Sweet and sour tenderloin with chicken breast

Sweet and sour tenderloin with chicken breast

This sweet and sour chicken recipe takes just 15 minutes to make and tastes way better than takeout. Perfect for a weeknight dinner!

Let’s start with prepare ingredients!


A piece of chicken breast

10 teaspoons of starch

Garlic 4 disc

White pepper to taste


Appropriate amount of umami soy sauce

Sugar is right amount


Defrost the chicken breasts in a large dish of cold water, add 3 tablespoons salt and soak the chicken breasts until defrosted. This will make the meat more tender.

Marinated meat, chicken breast, remove fascia, cut into two pieces, kitchen knife transverse slice into two, along the grain cut into strips

1 piece of chicken breast, 1/4 teaspoon of salt, 1/2 teaspoon of white pepper, 1 teaspoon of umami soy sauce, 1/2 teaspoon of white sugar, garlic, beat, mix well, marinate for more than 30 minutes

Make sweet and sour sauce in a large bowl.Add 2 tablespoons of tomato sauce +2 tablespoons of umami soy sauce +4 tablespoons of vinegar +6 tablespoons of sugar +1 drop of dark soy sauce (no need to put in), mix well.

Fried chicken breast meat, chicken breast marinated, into the egg liquid of an egg, porcelain spoon 10 tablespoons of starch added twice, stir evenly, will be very thick.

I’m going to put some oil in the pan. Heat over medium heat until the bamboo and wood chopsticks are just beginning to bubble. One by one, add the chicken breast.Keep it on medium heat.

Add all the chicken and start counting. Count from 1 to 30, which is 30 seconds. Take it out immediately. 

Fry the juice, adjust the good juice into the wok, low fire heat, keep stirring, as heating will gradually solidify.

Sweet and sour tenderloin with chicken breast

When set, add the chicken, stir well, and serve.

Now you get very delicious Sweet and sour tenderloin with chicken breast

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