Quick breakfast - miso soup noodles

Quick breakfast – miso soup noodles recipe

This noodles recipe is similar to Yangchun noodles. The only difference is that vinegar is added, more fragrant, more appetizing.
The oil in the stock can be lard, sesame oil, or peanut oil, all very delicious.I basically use lard.
People always ask whether peanut oil is raw or cooked. In fact, it can be cooked as well. It depends on you.
Vinegar can not be put, the taste is very good, personal taste is different.
If you like to eat pepper, you can add a little, the taste will be better!
If you want, you can add boiled eggs,green vegetables, it will be more delicious!

Hop you like my Chines noodles soup recipe!


Noodles (hanging noodles) for one person

Shallot/cilantro to taste

Less than half spoon oil

1-2 tablespoons

1/2 teaspoon aged vinegar (optional)

Chicken essence/monosodium glutamate amount (not put)


First, boiling water.

While boiling water, start preparing noodle soup seasoning:

prepare a bigger bowl, put in: oil, chopped scallion or coriander (both together are better), light soy sauce, aged vinegar, chicken essence (chicken essence can not be put, personal preference).

If you like to eat spicy put on some chilli! 

After boiling water, pour part of the boiling water into the seasoning bowl, half bowl is ready, noodle soup is ready.

Then begin to cook noodles, boiling water into noodles, boil after the medium heat for about 1 minutes, chopsticks clip section is good, do not cook too soft, drain water into the noodle soup can be open to eat!If mineral water or cold water is available, dip the drained noodles in cold water for a stronger taste. 

Open to eat!

You can add a little light soy sauce or salt when eating!

If it is convenient, you can fry a poached egg and hot green vegetables and put them in, which will be more health!


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